Daisy Shah is 30 year old actress making an entry in to the Bolywood movie industry through the movie “Jai Ho” opposite to Salman Khan. She had worked for several years as a assistant choreographer of Ganesh Acharya in dozens of movie together. She was noticed by South Indian movie makers in 2010, then she started playing south indian movies and gave few hit movies to the South Indian movie industry. In 2013, she came into notice of Bolywood filmmaker Sohil Khan who had given dozen of hit movies to the industry and signed Daisy Shah for movie Jai Ho. Beside these, she had been involved in numbers of modelling projects and item dancers in few movies. Aakramana and Soda are Daisy’s two upcoming movies which are now being filmed.
Daisy Shah in South Indian movies as Actress
Daisy Shah had made her presense in few South Indian movies among which Bodyguard and Mental are most successful one. She had made special appearance in Kannada movies like Bhadra and Bodyguard. In an average her performance in South India movies is normal and could’t get that height where other actress are at currently.
Daisy Shah in gossips with Ganesh Acharya as her boyfriend
There was a rumour that Daisy Shah was dating his chief chroeographer Ganesh Acharya for years. Daisy Shah was the main reason for divorce of Ganesh Acharya with his long time wife with few childrens. Ganesh Acharya was following Daisy Shah for marriage but Daisy Shah had denied him several times saying the appropriate time had not arrived yet.
It was Daisy Shah was asked to reduce weight for the movie JAi Ho. But she denied that it was not about redcing the weight but was just redicing only the tone.
Will Daisy Shah be Salman Khan’s girlfriend?
It is usual that Salman Khan dating his co-actress during shooting of movie. There were lots of rumors and public expectations about some serious relationship between Salman Khan and Daisy Shah. Recently, She did her face surgery for the movie Jai Ho and there was a rumour heard that the bill of the surgery which was IRS. 150,000 was covered by Slman Khan himself.
Daisy Shah as an item dancer?
She had been a chreographer for years and it’s not a big deal for her to be seen as an item dancer. She had done few item dance in different movies and had sizzled her male fans. Daisy Shah didn’t get a height as Sheila and Munny most probaly because of her weight and her fat figure but is an awsome item dance performer.
It is expected that movie Jai Ho would be a super duper hit movie with few Bolywood business records to be break.
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